Saturday, January 30, 2010

What a Tasty Weekend to Start my Blog!

Hello everyone! Where to begin...I have never blogged before...but here it goes:

This weekend has been awesome and it is still only Saturday afternoon ! My wonderful roommate Lydia and I decided to get the heck out of Newberg this weekend and spend the night in the BIG CITY! We headed to Portland to to spend the night in my parents new eclectic weekender apartment, have girl time, and eat to our hearts content!

We kicked off our night by heading to HotLips Pizza in the Pearl. We had never been there but had always been enticed by this local pizza store with the big red lips! We both ordered a slice of the daily Veggie pizza that had: Green chili, peppers, mushrooms, feta + cilantro pesto. We also ordered a honkin' garlic breadstick (that we split), and each had a raspberry HotLips soda. The breadstick was kind of "gooey," and I wouldn't order it again, but the pizza and the soda were amazing! The pizza was very fresh tasting and semi-spicy, but if I HAD to choose I would say the raspberry soda was my favorite part of the whole meal! I was expecting an average "raspberry flavored" soda like all other raspberry sodas, but no, this one was in a completely different realm! It actually tasted like raspberries, you know, like the ones you would pick right off the bush! It even had raspberry pulp floating around it for crying-out-loud (which is, in my opinion, a very good thing)! Its amazing flavor is most likely caused by the fact that it only contains four ingredients: Carbonated water, Willamette Valley raspberries, cane sugar, organic lemon juice! I was craving another raspberry soda only minutes after finishing the first bottle!

Of course we couldn't stop there so--after a little shopping--we hit up a cozy place I have been wanting to go: The Tea Zone. It is a very quaint little store that has a wonderfully vast tea menu. They often have live music and movie nights. After being quite intimidated by the lengthy menu we settled on familiar favorites: I had a caffeine-free chai, and Lydia had cinnamon spice tea latte. They each came in a precious glass cup complete with an additional tea tea pot for each of us filled with more creamy-delicious tea with tons of foam (the best part, Lydia says).  We got out of there spending about $4 each and we even had a to-go cup full of tea that we couldn't finish (which we reheated the next morning for breakfast)! 

Now what girls night on the town would be complete without dessert? Certainly not Lydia's and my girls night out. After much brainstorming and debating about where to go for dessert we decided to go to the Heathman Hotel for some of their famous treats. After coming in and feeling slightly under-dressed and awkward for having the restaurant host offer to take our Powell's Bags to hang up in the coat closet, we finally got seated and ordered some fine desserts. We were informed that The Heathman is one of few hotel restaurants in downtown Portland that can boast about having their very own pastry chef. Lydia ordered the Tarte Tartin, which is a French caramelized upside down apple tart. She said it was great, but what was most impressive was the beautiful sugar design that was placed on top of the whole thing. I chose to be what some might call "boring" and go for the Creme Brulee, which is one of my all-time favorite desserts. It was prepared wonderfully and had a very authentic vanilla flavor, complete with visible vanilla seeds.

After all this taste-bud stimulation we decided to call it a night and walk back to the apartment for a movie and some well-needed rest, because the next morning we had to get up early for the Chocolate Festival!


kuhnsmith said...


Congratulations on your new Blog. It's super! I didn't know you were such a good writer. You sure seem to know your food. I look forward to reading your Blog for a long time!


Uncle Gary

The Fox Foodie said...

Gary, I am glad you found my blog! I am also glad you like it (I didn't know I was a good writer either!). I just love food and it is easy to write about something you are passionate about!